Koahnic Broadcast Corp. is an Alaska Native owned media organization that recognizes that is it critical that Native Americans and Alaska Natives are well-represented among the board and staff of the organization. The organization strives to be inclusive and diverse, as is its audience it serves; and to embrace and encourage our employees’ differences in gender, ethnicity, age, race, family or marital status, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, physicality, veteran status and other characteristics that make our employees unique.

Additionally, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s (CPB) Diversity Eligibility Criteria requires public media organizations to adopt formal goals for diversity and to report annually on steps taken to work toward those goals. To that end, KNBA has set the following diversity goals:

  • To recruit and retain a diverse workforce that is representative of our service area.
  • To provide equal opportunity in employment.
  • To educate our management and staff in best practices for maintaining an inclusive and diverse environment for all persons.
  • To seek candidates for KNBA’s Community Advisory Board that represent the geographically and demographically diverse composition of the communities we serve.
  • Seek diverse candidates for our Board of Directors through the Nominating Committee process.
  • To assist in developing a more diverse future workforce with professional skills in the broadcasting/media industry by recruiting diverse candidates for KNBA’s internship opportunities and/or by participating in minority or other diversity job fairs.

Koahnic is an equal opportunity employer, and feels that the strengths of the organization are currently supported by significant representation by Native people and the inclusion of diverse perspectives and people of varied backgrounds.

As part of our diversity plan, KNBA will continue to explore new opportunities for achieving and promoting this diversity and to monitor and evaluate our success. This means KNBA will always meet the standards of federal and state law, KNBA’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s Diversity Eligibility Criteria. Koahnic strives to create and foster a supportive environment in which all individuals can be successful and reach his or her full potential within the organization.